The electrical panel in your home is responsible for diverting electricity to lights, appliances and other items that need it. When working properly, it can turn off circuits to avoid power surges or other issues.
However, if the panel isn’t robust enough for your home, it may lead to problems such as a blackout or an electrical fire. Let’s go over some signs that an electrical panel is outdated and needs to be replaced.
Circuit Breakers Are Frequently Tripping
A circuit breaker will turn itself to the off position if too much power is going to a given item. For instance, you may notice that a circuit is being tripped when you turn on the air conditioner or the washing machine. This can indicate that the electrical panel can’t handle the load that these items are placing on it.
Therefore, you should strongly consider upgrading to something more robust that can handle the energy output of modern appliances and other devices. Replacing the electrical panel should be even higher on the top of your list if circuits trip when you turn on lights or other items that don’t typically use that much power.
It Smells Like Something Is Burning
An overworked electrical panel will tend to create a lot of heat. Over time, the heat can melt plastic or other materials within the box itself, and you will likely be able to smell the resulting odors when in close proximity to the panel. In some cases, your entire basement, attic or garage may smell like melted plastic. In such a scenario, you’ll want to have the electrical panel inspected and replaced before it bursts into flames.
It’s also possible that you’ll notice appliances or other devices overheating when they are plugged in or when they are in operation. This is another sure sign that a circuit is overloaded and unable to handle your energy demands. Again, the answer is to call a professional such as those from Mister Sparky for help.
You See or Feel a Spark When Using an Outlet or Switch
You should be able to plug an item in without seeing sparks or running the risk of being electrocuted. You should also be able to use a switch without causing a spark or hearing any sort of hissing or popping noise when it’s activated. If you encounter any of these issues, it’s a clear sign that there is a problem with your home’s electrical system. In the event that the electrical panel is suitable to meet your energy needs, you might also have a problem with faulty wiring or another serious issue that you’ll want to fix quickly.
The Lights Dim or Turn Off Completely
If you notice that the lights tend to dim or turn off completely when they are turned on, you should probably have your electrical panel inspected or replaced. This is almost surely related to the fact that your electrical panel is not set up to handle your home’s needs.
Call Mister Sparky for Help Today
If you think that your electrical panel is causing issues in your home, call Mister Sparky today for assistance. We can inspect the panel, make recommendations about how to proceed and make repairs or upgrades in a timely and affordable manner. Taking timely action may prevent electrical fires, unnecessary wear on appliances and the general frustration that comes with an unreliable electrical system.